It's starting...and I'm excited and nervous for her at the same time...I want her to be happy and successful at this challenging milestone. Not pee-pee, though...at least not yet.
Yesterday Kelsey was in a "mood" she didn't want to play much, eat things we know she loves, or do anything she really loves. Luckily she snapped out of it today. It's so funny because sometimes I get such a glimpse of this person who is such a strong willed individual. I have a feeling she will be a challenge to get her to listen...oh well, I"m up for it. :)
We celebrated Mother's Day early this year with Kurt's family today. Kelsey had a great time, but she was sooooo wired, she was like a whirling dervish!
Tonight she's sleeping peacefully next to me and I'm the one up tonight...have alot of things on my mind, especially a quick trip to the Dr.'s office for what I hope is "nothing" Send good thoughts please.
And celebrate with us...pooping on the potty is a BIG DEAL!!!!!!
Way to go Kelsey!!!!
Many good thoughts!
Call Me!
whoo hooo!!! Way to poop on the potty!
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