Begin with one man and one woman - mix together until combined. Take one cup of marriage and add 2 tablespoons of career. Toss in liberal amounts of grad school, family, friends, home decorating, gardening, and volunteerism. Blend in one beautiful baby girl. Our special ingredient is our faith in God. Bake at 350 for 9+ years and that's our secret recipe for a Hoppe Family.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
What Was She Thinking?

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Kelsey's Opinion of Mother's Day

Kelsey is a big fan of Mother's Day. Especially because I told Kurt that I didn't need a gift and wanted to buy her a slide for the backyard. We found a wonderful one at TRU and then picked up a water table. The water table ranks very high in our house...Kelsey loves hers!
We saw my Mom, and my Sister's family on Saturday and spent Sunday with Kurt's Mom and family, because we had a lot to celebrate. I'll post family photos later on in the week....I just want these really cute photos of Kelsey to sit by themselves for a bit.
I took them all, but I'd have to say I'm particularly proud of the one of her on the slide against the trees...I think my Dad would like that one too! :)
BTW, my event was well received and everyone had a great time. And I did get my life back and am enjoying a few days off!

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Overworked, Overfed, Over-tired, and Undernourished
The good news is that I should have my life back on Friday. The TWIN award event that I've spent the past 5 months of my career on is over on Thursday evening and so should the late 2am evenings and weekends spent working on this project. I am taking a few days off after this project is over...and I can't wait!
The bad news? I'm a cranky woman. That's saying it nicely. You know the old adage "if Momma ain't happy, no one is?" All too true right now. :(
Kelsey is not sleeping on schedule right now - some nights she goes down happily at 8pm and sleeps til 7am and some days she screams till 10pm and wants to sleep until 9am! Oy! Tonight, however, she told me (in words!) that she's scared of dark and wants the lights on. Interesting, huh? Friday and Saturday were baaaad and Sunday isn't going well either. It's challenging to coordinate visits and family with her sleep patterns. It's unfair any way you look at this.
Honestly? All I want to do is be left alone in peace and quiet to do this work and eat chocolate. Unfortunately life doesn't work like that. And when I try to have a semblance of a normal life? Cranky woman comes roaring out.
Cats are shedding like mad and puking....cleaning woman is wonderful but does not put my stuff back where it should be! My Mother's Helper hasn't been available for a few weeks. I did get a chance to get my hair cut and colored....I like it, but don't love it yet. The guy is coming first week of June to finish repairing our door, but he overcharges like mad (thanks State Farm! GRRRRRR!) I haven't spoken to my brother in over a month, and my sister isn't the happiest with me either.
Guys I know I suck right now....I'm sorry but I am overwhelmed and have been trying my best.
Feel sorry for Kurt right now. He's bearing the brunt of this big time. He takes care of Kelsey and has been doing most of the cooking/shopping, etc. At least he gets to leave next week for 5 days....
Next year I'll know how to do this better...this compressed timeline is for the birds!
What I am fantasizing about....
powerwashing our screen porch and hanging out there
planting spring flowers and rummaging through a nursery or 2
painting the floor of our back porch
getting a full fence for the backyard and cutting down a few "bad" trees
reading a magazine for pleasure.
One of the ways that I feel best about myself is when I am able to be creative. This means writing, crafting, gardening, even organizing and decorating. Lately all my time has been spent working, unloading the dishwasher (I feel chained to the kitchen lately) or trying to satisfy everyone else...I have spent very little time nourishing my inner self and it shows :(
Friday is our 10th wedding anniversary. I wish I could say we have big plans, but Kurt and I do intend to put Kelsey in daycare part of the day and have a nice lunch together...the first time we've had a meal without her since we became a family. I think this is sad...10 years is a big milestone for us...it should be celebrated as such, but we just don't have the time/availability.
Hope your week is shaping up better!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Back to Sunshine and Roses!
Hey All,
One of my Panda Sisters asked if we wanted to participate in a video she was making of all our girls from referral to one year anniversary.
These are families whose documents were all sent to China in April 2005. We all received referrals of our children and traveled within 1-2 months of each other. This amazing group of women (and a few daddies too!) still correspond daily on a variety of topics and I thoroughly enjoy being an April Panda!
Well, here it is and it's wonderful! We love it so much!
Thank you Margie, you are amazing!
Don't forget, Kelsey is from Hunan Province and is in the first half of the video, but watch the whole thing. It will make your day! And the music is fabulous!
Kelsey is much better now, she's back to her wonderfully happy (eating, sleeping and drinking) self! It did her the world of good to stay home with me yesterday. It did me the world of good too. I wish we could make that a permanent situation, but its not in our cards.
Monday, May 07, 2007

One of the bloggers that I love to read (Sandra at The Daily Grind or Jazzie and Tahlia) wrote a posting a few days ago on how many of the bloggers out here write as if their lives are all sunshine and roses. I've probably been guilty as charged because I don't really write this for myself, as much I do for Kelsey in the future.
However, Kelsey got sick on Friday night, first with fever and no sleep for any of us, and then she began to scream everytime she tried to eat and/or drink something.
And Saturday night....no fever, but the screaming was insane! no sleep for any of us...
We all slept on the couches because we were considering rushing her to the emergency room (cue freaked out Mom cursing out the 411 chick for being slow giving me the phone number!)
We did take her to an emergency care clinic and the Dr. said she didn't have cocksackie. Idiot! She was fussy, cranky and ate and drank a little. But she didn't sleep again on Sunday night, so no sleep for any of us again!
So 3 days, 3 different doctors and we finally know what's going on...Coxsackie virus. Insidious bug of a virus causes sores and such pain when a child eats or drinks. I hate that friggin' thing for the pain it has caused my child. Luckily she seems to have a milder case than most, doesn't have it on her hands or feet, and she is eating soft cold foods and drinking some. Some kids absolutely refuse to eat or drink and become dehydrated.
And she's contagious, so no daycare tomorrow. I had to take her daycare today, which means I exposed 5 other kids to this...I"d hate me if I were those kids' Moms. :(
I'm tired and stressed out. So is Kurt. Hopefully this damned virus will be gone in a few days.
Last week was challening at work. I've been putting in almost 50 hour weeks, so I really was looking forward to this past weekend. We had so many fun plans for Kelsey. We had to scrap everything to try to catch up on our sleep. That really sucked wind.
It's really sad to look forward to Monday at work to get some peace while your poor hurting daughter goes to daycare for a few hours.
So no sunshine and roses here tonight. Just the raw pain our baby girl has been feeling. I would trade everything in life to have it be me instead of her. I think she's feeling a little better this evening because she's actually been sleeping since 8:30pm and she played for a bit tonight. Say a prayer that the worst is over and she's on the road to recovery.
The photo above is her on a better day about 2 weeks ago.