Well, here's where the snarky rubber meets the road, literally.
At 8:30am, we were disturbed by a loud BANG! right outside. We live on a fairly busy corner with stop signs and there is always a moron running them.
However, this morning, one of those morons ran up our front lawn onto our front walkway...and through my beautiful daylilies. And left another car smashed to smithereens in the street...
First time in almost 8 years living here.
Well, I opened my window and said is anyone hurt? All I got back was Spanish. We called the police and reported the accident and then I yelled to the man tromping around my front lawn...get your car OFF my lawn!
Kelsey was in toddler heaven because we had police cars, an ambulance AND 2 fire trucks all parked in front of our house for well over an hour. It seems the driver parked on our lawn had to be removed with the jaws of life and taken away by ambulance. She kept running to the window saying "I'll help you!" So sweet and lovely and naive.
Okay, here's the snark...these people (NOT the professionals, they were wonderful, quick acting and caused little damage)tromped all over our lawn for over 2 hours. Didn't apologize once for ruining our plants, outdoor lighting, front sidewalk was crakced or our morning. Of course no one said boo to us, the INNOCENT people in this....clearly for someone to have jumped the curb and gotten halfup our lawn they have had to be going FAST! The other car was absolutely totaled.
I went out to speak to the police officer directing traffic and asked when they'd be moving the car off my lawn...he was short with me. Then I asked when the police report would be ready and he said Tuesday. Then I asked if these people had insurance and he said he couldn't tell me...which of course meant no.
Then, I went back into my house, fuming. Guess who has zero recourse for any claims? Us...the INNOCENT victims in this! Plus, I couldn't EVEN make these people tramping around my front lawn (by that time, the man had called in re-inforcements and they were ALL hanging out in my yard!) stand on the sidewalk because no one spoke English!
I spend quite a bit of time in my gardens in the spring, and all my beds need a good spruce-up. Normally, I'm out early in the am in the spring, so I guess I'm lucky that I'm still not feeling well AND it was cold out this morning and I didn't feel like gardening today..that stupid woman would have mowed me down too.
Snarky me is going down to the police station on Wed to read the accident report. When I find out what I think I'm going to find out, I'm going to make a few phone calls to ensure that MY rights don't get trampled again...
Hear me, rotten drivers of the world...if you are going to wreck MY property on any given Sunday morning...make sure you are:
1) legally in this country
2) insured to the max
3) speak enough English to apologize for ruining our front lawn.
4) Get the hell off when asked nicely.
Because when the government lets the illegal unisured off the hook, tax payers like me pay the price in higher taxes, more expensive insurance, higher medical bills....this is a big problem in my part of NJ....and today the problem literally almost came through my front door to say "howdy, thanks for letting us trample all over your lives!"
Nope, not gonna happen....
Edited to add....by the way, I'm not a heartless biatch. The first questions out of my mouth was "anyone hurt?" and we checked it out...the woman was taken away by ambulance because she was hysterically crying...not because she was hurt. And the way her SUV was hit, she wasn't hurt by the car, she was shaken up by the ride she took up my front lawn. Plus, she knows she's in trouble because when you have an accident with no insurance in NJ...well, it's not good. If someone had been hurt, this post wouldn't have not been written....