I'm keeping up with the Jones and posting by bullets :)
- Praise and hail DORA the EXPLORER! Kelsey is sleeping in her new toddler/crib complete with Dora sheets and blankets. It wasn't easy and we had to keep her DVD humming with Dora shows...but she finally fell asleep in her bed late tonight....okay, she slept in her room until 4am with Kurt, then woke him up and took him by the hand and said "let's go!"
- We had a lot o fun this past week....
- Saw my Mom on Wed and went out for lunch and shopping. Then we took Kelsey to a fun park.
- We are planning a picnic for our adoption support group. We had a great meeting
- Susan, Lily, Kelsey and I went to a local park and had a picnic lunch. Unfortunately the bees liked our sodas and Kelsey freaked out at them. She had a great time swinging on the swings and playing on the slide
- Decided on the spur of the moment to turn our coffee table into a train table, thanks to a vinyl tablecloth. Kelsey has been loving it!
- I added to my birthday present....(a separate post in the making)
- I fell in love with and bought Kelsey some Crocs....Listen you either love them or hate them (like Uggs) and I firmly fall into the love category. So does little Miss Kins, as she's been insisting on wearing them since Thursday. Here she is happily modeling them (the biggest smile is when I promised her chocolate if she took a nice smile-y photo!)
- Had an interesting appointment with a HeadHunter. They're putting me up for a VP position! Don't think I have a shot in hell, but hey, it's nice to be considered :)
- As much fun as staying home as been....I am very anxious to get this job train out of the station and life back to semi normal. Is that too much to ask?
- I've been on a shoe buying spree for Kelsey lately. I also bought these adorable blue sneakers with the silver sparkly trim/crystals. They are adorable and it is very hard to find a little girl's sneaker in anything but pink or white.
- Everything has a reason, right? I finally found the reason why God gave me a moderate singing talent...and tons of passion for the artform. It was to be able to sing to Kelsey, who absolutely loves singing. Her favorite song is "Tomorrow" (Annie) and she requests it often! She sings along as much as she can. Her 2nd favorite song right now is the theme for 2 1/2 men (men men men...) and sings that LOUD and PROUD!
We're a bit under the weather, both us girls have colds. Thank goodness for Daddy and DH who is being patient and supportive!
LOL you are SO funny ! Gotta love those crocs !!!
When Judy gets out of the shower, and towle dries her hair, and its all red and curly, I stand behind her, at the bathroom mirror, and hold her arms, and make her dance and sing "The Sun will come out... tommorrow, bet yer bottom dollar that tommorrow, they'll be Sun!"
Our dog just looks at us...
We're croc'd up too! We BOTH have the bright pink Mary Janes...Pipers are toddler 6/7 mine are size TEN!
Mind you, she wears a size 2 jeans and I wear size 20! hehe!
Hysterical! I jsut bought the SAME exact crocs for EFP! I have them in hot pink also (I LOVE my crocs!) and when EFP saw them the first time she had a full blown hissy fit - so I bought them in 5/6 and it was like Christmas!! Would buy a million pairs for the happiness they brought - a girl can't have too many shoes... LOL
Hope all is well..
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