I've really neglected this space since Facebook, but really want to go back to it. However, there is something that I want to go back to more right now...
As sung in the Broadway show " A Chorus Line"...
"I need a job...I need THIS job...oh God, I need this show...
Well, I have zippity in the pipeline. Nilch, None, Nada, Zippo...and I am "freakin' tired" of not working...
So while this really doesn't sum up what happened in my life this week, it's the running theme of my world right now...
I am currently a SAHM, but in reality I'm a Marketing Director, Non Profit Development Director. There are many things I am qualified and well skilled in working at...this economy has really screwed up a lot of fantastic organizations and many people are out of work...it sucks. While I love being home with my girl, I recognize and accept that I need to have a career that sustains me and gives me the opportunity to not only provide a living for my family -but also gives me an important sense of accomplishment. Even if I was wealthy and didn't need to work....I'd absolutely HAVE to do something to make my time on Earth well spent. So, my three word is...
Oh, God, I need a JOB...I need to WORK...I need this for my sanity soon, please!

Happy Three Word Sunday!
Hoping you find the work you are seeking - good luck!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Ten Months!
Wishing you the best of luck!!!
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