Thursday, December 04, 2008

A very short, but beautiful post!

this is Kelsey's very first school photo. it blew me away how beautifully she smiled and posed from the camera. what a lovely child she is!

Next in line should be ballet photos.


C's Mom said...

I LOVE That photo. What a beautiful smile!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great photo! What a pretty little girl.

Bean has had two "school" photos, and in both of them you would think the phtotgrapher was covered in something awful and nasty, judging by the look on her face.

Happy holidays!

Our Little Girl is all Grown up! No more Baby! said...

wow! she starting to turn into a little girl! she is growing up! very nice!

Email Marketing Yenta said...

She looks so grown-up!!! So beautiful!