Sunday, March 16, 2008

Three Words

This is an old photo of Kelsey's first birthday, but it feels like this past week. I'm all over the place emotionally. The house is a mess and I do not have a second to do anything about it. Heck, I can't even find time to go to the dry cleaners...I have pants that need to be hemmed and I bought them in December!
Add to this a daughter who won't friggin' go to sleep and you have one grumpy Mama! (it's 10:30 PM!)
I need a day that I can kick back and take care of life...but it ain't going to be soon...


C's Mom said...

I'm sorry a break is long overdue for you.

The pic....hilarious!

Pug Mama said...

that is funny stuff!!!!

Doug and Terrye said...

Hey, head down to Florida...we'll take care of you!!!

Terrye in FL

Vicky said...

aawwwww love that picture !!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel (I think) It goes by so fast !!! To think, this time 2 years ago, we were all making our travel arrangements to pick up our girls !!!!


Chasing Dreams Photography said...

oh how adorable!!!! Love the picture. Wanna run away with me : ) some place warm of course....maybe we will run away to Terrye's....I heard she can cook a mean meal!

RamblingMother said...

I totally understand the no sleep thing!!
