I took the morning off so I could send my
schooler off in style! We woke up at 7am and she began singing with happiness that she was going to
pre-school and would play and learn to count and learn her colors.
We had breakfast and then came up and got dressed. After she was dressed, Kelsey looked in the mirror and proclaimed that her adorable kitty shirt was for "babies" and she demanded a big-girl shirt! She knocked my socks off with that reply, but we quickly found a replacement (her sparkly monkey shirt
apparently fit the "big-girl" category.)
Then we finished packing her lunch and her school backpack.
LOL it was too heavy for her to carry! But she kept her spirits very high indeed!
We drove to the school singing and arrived at the school. Kelsey ran to the other children in the line and said "here I am friends!" and couldn't wait for her turn to go into the classroom. Finally (for her) the doors opened and the kids lined up in the hallway. Kelsey couldn't wait to go into the classroom and barely stopped to give me a hug and kiss goodbye. I turned away, holding back a few tiny tears and went to the "boo-
hoo" breakfast (I only had coffee!) and chatted with the other parents there. All the kids in Kelsey's class did great and I left after an hour. Whew!
(however, the school director warned that
schoolers often have delayed crying and next week and the week after would be the real test)
After work I rushed back to pick up our
schooler from the aftercare program. I was told that Kelsey did very well (although she doesn't like kids in her "space") and we went home. Kelsey fell
asleep in the car (a 5 minute ride) and slept the whole night through missing dinner. When I opened her backpack I found that she didn't eat very much lunch either. I am going to write the teacher a note...Kelsey is a good eater and was probably distracted...she didn't eat much breakfast either. Our girl can't miss meals...she's a peanut!
Kelsey had a great first day at school and is looking forward to tomorrow when she goes back.
Tomorrow I will fill you in on Kelsey's first day of dancing school...another home run! :)