Answer: So much, yet not enough!
So much that I will bullet point them...
So much that I will bullet point them...
- Daddy came home late Thursday evening to a delighted Wife and Daughter
- When Kelsey woke up Friday am, she was beyond thrilled to see Daddy sleeping in bed
- Daddy and Daughter had a play at the park afternoon and had a great time!
- Giggles over dinner and an early bedtime
- Breakfast this am and Gymboree for Daddy and Daughter (Mommy has a little cold and stayed home)
- We took Kelsey to the town street fair where she:
- ate chilli
- petted goats, lambs and ducks
- rode a real horse like she was born in the saddle, completely unafraid! (silly Mommy forgot to bring the camera)
- ate a smoothie, a funnel cake and an ice cream cone
- got a Chihuahua purse (she picked it herself!)
- got an adorable name bracelet/anklet
- Then we came home and she took a 2 hour nap with Daddy
- went to Dave's BBQ restaurant - our first time. YUM!
- then we went to a local amusement park, Bowcraft. She loved it! All except for the carousel ride, which she loved until it began, then she was frightened. Kelsey and Daddy rode trains, helicopters and monster cars with joy. Mommy remembered the camera, so here are a few shots.
So much fun...what will Sunday bring?
Sounds like a lot of great fun to me!
Apparently - quite a lot from the looks of it!! How adorable is K & K? Love the carosel...
M - EFP's Mom
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