Wow, are not performing up to expectations on your blogging assignments!
Here is the low down on life at Casa de Hoppe as of today:
1) I'm working as an Independent Consultant in the non profit world. I like it (wish I made a bit more $$$) but right now, it's working well. It's a part time gig which gives me great flexibility to care for our sweet girl.
2) Maddie is the most amazing puppy ever. I completely love her and adore spending time snuggling with her. She's slowly potty training and I'm patient with it for the most part.
3) Kurt started an amazing job a few weeks ago....I'm so proud of him! He's doing so well professionally!
4) Kelsey has been attending lots of birthday parties lately. We love her friends :)
5) I just finished volunteering at the Giving Nest's Annual Tricky Tray. It was exhausting and fun.
6) Summer plans are shaping up for our Princess. On the agenda are:
A summer reading program at Rutgers
Summer camp sessions at Holy Trinity Summer Camp
A stint at another camp in town (Ginny's)
Summer tutoring
I'm putting Kelsey in some academic programs this summer because she's resisting reading. Most of her class are good readers and she may be lagging because she's younger than most of her classmates and due to the adoption hit most of her milestones later than normal. She's a perfectly normal, lovely child, but she needs to get her reading butt in gear and begin. Todays' Kindergartners are expected to finish their K year reading and I don't want her to lag behind in first grade.
7) Speaking of first grade, I agnonized over where to send her to school. Ultimately I chose a Catholic School in a town a few towns over from ours. This is a good school (about to be Blue Ribbon selected) and her two dearest classfriends are also registered there for fall. The deciding factor for me was that I went to the Superintendent's office to discuss our options...we had none. either I put her in a school that wasn't right for her academically or diversity-wise or send her to Private School. We can't really afford this, but when I told Kurt that there are zero Asian students in the school they'd force upon us and the Assis't Superintendent herself told me that she wouldn't send her own children to that school...well, what does that say to you? Anyway, we went to an open house before we applied and both Kurt and Kelsey are really excited about this school. I think it will be both nuturing, supportive and will provide our little Diva (yes Kelsey, YOU!) with the kick in the pants she needs to jumpstart academically. (yes, we want to move, but right now that's not in the cards for 2011 -we'll see for 2012)
8) We splurged and decided to take a short vacation. Kelsey had been asking to go to Disney for, well forever! So we decided to suprise her and go! We left on March 1 (right after her big school musical show) and came home on 3/5. We had 5 days to explore the Magic Kingdon, Epcot and Hollywood Studios. She loved every single second of her adventure. I think I want to do some more posting on Disney...stay tuned (promise it won't be 3 months later)
9) I'm finally (FINALLY!!!!!) almost done with the basement refinishing. Taking it from its digusting roots to a place where you can walk barefoot has taken me months (sometimes I just left in disgust) but tomorrow I paint the final part of the floor and then I can move the furniture and cute decorative stuff in....AND all the toys! (did I mention ALL THE FREAKIN' toys?)
Leaving you with some photos of my girl's trip to "The World"