- First of all, the blessing of loving Kelsey and being called "you GOOD Mommy!" lights up my heart in ways I can't ever explain.
- The Olympics AND the DNC all within the same 3 weeks? What riveting real life events playing out on the tube.
- Kelsey has rejected the potty again (yes, even the Princess potty is not worthy of her pee) I did buy her the new Ariel Mermaid movie, but I told her she can't watch it until she pees again on a potty (any potty!)
- Pre-school begins 2 weeks from tomorrow. Where does the time go?
- Kurt's traveling and I am really tired this week. This makes my patience level go into the toilet
- Tana's being a bit better about the peeing in the house...which means she gets to be here longer
- We've spent the last 2 weekends very busy and I am looking forward to a quiet weekend. I've turned down 2 invitations that sound like a lot of fun (sorry SIS!) but I did get a phone call from a good friend inviting us to a block party...about 1/2 block away. That I think we can do.
- I'm going to Washington DC with one of my schools. We're meeting the President. (yup, W) and going to a huge event on the White House lawn. I am going overnight (scary! my first business trip since Kelsey)
- My high school reunion is coming up soon. Its really expensive to go, so we made the decision that I'll go for a short time and then come right home. I hate going without my trophy husband (hi baby!) as my arm candy...but we have a lot on our plate right now.
- Plus, Kelsey won't be stressed about being left (we were going to let my sister sit for the first time...but this will be okay and then Kurt and I can use a night out for ourselves!)
- I've been doing a ton of writing lately, all for work. Hopefully the fruits of my labor will bear some hefty fruit (please!)
- Kelsey is now over 37" tall. While she's still teeny compared to other kids...how did my baby get so big?
- She's got her 3 yr old check up a week from Sat, then the Dentist for the rest of her xrays the following Monday...poor baby.
- Being overly tired makes me think some dark thoughts sometimes. People can be really irritating and I can be very overly sensitive.
- I am hanging onto a number for the last few days...freakin' annoying that these numbers get bigger!
- I volunteered for a new blogging opportunity that I am actually excited about. Stay tuned for more details shortly
- I love the photo on top here...my little poser!
- I am loving my new hair color...it's a bit blonder/caramelly than I ever thought I'd be
- Things I am doing this weekend:
- Going to dinner at the Bonefish Grill
- Shopping for a new twin bed for our girl
- Shopping for a new rug for our bedroom
- Coaxing my Trophy Husband and my fashionably in style daughter to the Rennaissance Festival in Tuxedo...I love that place.